20 facts about me

6:38 PM

1. I love stationery, I'm that person that loves buying cute notebooks but have no idea what to write on it.
2. I am a very sentimental person. I keep all the letters my friends give to me and I put it in a box so I can read it in the future.
3. I love fries and yogurt!
4. I am a big fan of Victoria Beckham, I watch her fashion shows on youtube and I love keeping up         with her new collections.
5. My favorite color is blue
6. I want to travel around Europe!
7. I always dream of becoming a fashion designer ( I know it seems impossible but hey! Dreams do come true right?)
8. I am claustrophobic
9. I love going on an adventure and long road trips with my family or friends
10. I used to have piano and guitar lessons when I was in third grade
11. Look! that's my favorite number
12. My ethnicity is half Indian and half filipina
13. Shawn Mendes' music will always be my go to music
14. I used to be obsessed with the show "Phineas & Ferb", and I still watch it on youtube hehehe!
15. My all time favorite TV show are Wizards of Waverly Place, and suite life of Zack and Cody (I know you guys are all gonna freak out since those were like from ages ago but those shows are sooo good!)
16. I want to visit Santorini and Croatia
17. I love books (fictional I mean)
18. I get so emotional while watching a movie or whilst reading a book.
19. I love the topic when it comes to psychology and biology.
20. I love watching YouTube!!

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3 Happy thoughts

  1. This is so cool! Who do you like to watch on youtube? x

    XO Chloe-Madeline

    1. Zoella is my all time favorite youtuber! Even Alfie, joe, Jim there's alot actually 😅


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