
3:46 PM

It's been a long time since I last posted on this blog. I've been very busy with school and co-curricular activities so I figured out that before exam week starts I'll make sure to post something that's been kept in my folder for blog posts.

I'm that person that loves going out with my family to try new food and check out new hangout place in town. Lilac which is located in Marikina is a place known for teen hangouts since there are a lot of food you can try out and fashion boutiques to visit.

The door itself make it more exciting to enter the store. The bright colors makes you want to know what the inside consist of.

What makes this store unique is that most of their products are handmade especially the paintings on the sofa, lamp and other objects. As you enter the place, the fresh aroma will welcome you. They offer art workshop and teach you to paint self portraits. The store has a bohemian vibe with quirky paintings made by a 13 year old boy.

The fun does not stop there. With all the unique products they sell and cute homewares, you have to really check the mini mural located outside the store. The painting is said to be made by a 13 year old boy. So if you happen to try the food in Lilac, don't forget to visit "Lokal".
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